Thornbury Care Centre


To make everyday life that little bit easier and to care for our residents mental wellbeing as well as their physical wellbeing, our Thornbury Care Centre offers a range of stimulating activities. These activities and events are delivered by our team of dedicated coordinators who work tirelessly to ensure that our service users remain engaged with life as residing in a friendly, social environment is key in order to remain healthy and maintain a good quality of life.

We offer a full schedule of regular entertainment, including;

Reminiscing sessions

Pampering sessions


In-house entertainment including cabaret and singers

Eating out at cafes

Hairdressing days

Sensory therapy

Summer barbecues


Harvest festivals

Cookery classes in the community

Sit & Be Fit classes

Hobbies & activities to keep life fun

Receiving Holy Communion every month by the local Salvation Army

Charity fundraisers where service users are fully involved

We hold the above events regularly and many more different activities daily and welcome suggestions for new activities from residents and families. Of course, our service users’ wishes are always at the forefront of our activities programme, making sure there is always something for everyone!

Therapeutic activities

As well as a full roster of social activities, we also offer a schedule of therapeutic activities. These therapeutic activities are especially designed to bring each of our residents to their maximum level of ability, independence and social confidence. Ultimately, making each day more enjoyable and improving mental health and wellbeing. These activities are especially developed around the needs and preferences of the individual, including their social, leisure and medical requirements as well as religious beliefs.

Relative contact and personal preferences

Together, the service user and their family members help us to understand the life story of the individual, and it is this deep level of understanding that enables us to provide the best possible care to their loved one. That’s why we keep in close contact with relatives regularly and strengthen our bond with the resident through day-to-day contact and reminiscence sessions. We continuously use information gained from interactions with family and the resident to refine the plan of care to the individual. This bespoke approach enables us to achieve the aim of our dedicated dementia care - which is to maintain a person’s uniqueness throughout the challenges they face.

Weekly organised trips

Thornbury Care Centre has its own minibus which means service users can enjoy trips out weekly with staff and our team of activity coordinators. We also welcome families to join their loved ones on any of these weekly trips.

Get in-touch

If you have any questions or would like advice and information, our friendly team are available.


You can email us at


Call us on +44(0)191 520 1881


58 Thorndale Road, Thorney Close, Sunderland SR3 4JG

More contact options are available on our Contact page.