Sycamore Care Centre Sunderland

End of Life Care

Good end of life care is about living as much as it is about dying. It is about managing symptoms so that each person remains as comfortable as possible and is able to make choices about their care.  Together with each individual and their family, we work in close partnership with the GP, district nurses and palliative care service or Macmillan team. Developing good relationships with professionals who can provide specialist knowledge and advice is a key part of our service.

End of life care is about providing support that meets the needs of both the person who is dying and the people close to them. Part of this is ensuring psychological, social, religious, spiritual and practical support. It also includes understanding the importance of demonstrated love, warmth and comfort together with a high level of human connection through touch, sensory stimulation, sensory calming while limiting environmental stresses. It involves caring for relatives and forward planning so that needs and wishes are respected and the dignity of the service user and their family is upheld.

In all aspects of supporting end of life care, we are sensitive to the needs of family and friends. Overnight stays are accommodated and staff ensure that meals, snacks and refreshments are available. Families and friends are consulted, listened to and involved in every way.